Eating at certain times increases the risk of stroke
Stroke is a serious life-threatening disease , which occurs when the blood supply to a part of the brain stops. Hemorrhagic stroke is second in frequency after ischemic stroke. It occurs when a blood vessel inside the skull bursts and bleeds into and around the brain.
An unhealthy lifestyle increases the risk of a hemorrhagic stroke. Research shows that even seemingly innocent decisions can increase the risk of hemorrhagic stroke.
The study examined the links between the timing of dinner and the risks of death from stroke, coronary heart disease (CHD) and total cardiovascular disease (CVD). ).
Although the researchers did not find an association between meal times and the risk of CHD or cardiovascular disease, they did find one for stroke. A total of 28,625 men and 43,213 women aged 40 to 79 years who were free of CVD and cancer at baseline participated in the study.
The participants were divided into three groups: the early dinner group (up to 20 :00), an irregular dinner group (irregular time) and a late dinner group (after 8:00 p.m.).
Researchers collected data using a dietary assessment questionnaire.
These data were then compared with mortality data for each participant. Compared with the early dinner group, the irregular dinner group had an increased risk of mortality from hemorrhagic stroke.
No significant association was found between the timing of dinner and the risk of mortality from other types of stroke, CHD, and CVD.
“We found that an irregular dinner time compared to a dinner before 8:00 p.m. was associated with an increased risk of mortality from hemorrhagic stroke,” the researchers wrote. mortality from cardiovascular diseases.
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