Eating broccoli may reduce the risk of developing hypertension: study results
British academics with found that a specific diet can significantly reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. They called broccoli its main product.
With reference to research by British students, many people in Britain suffer from high blood pressure, but about five million do not even know about their disease. These people, doctors note, are at risk of dying from a heart attack.
In the risk group: people suffering from excess weight, those who smoke, have relatives with a bad medical history. Also, the risk increases with age.
The article says that the treatment of high blood pressure is not limited only to drugs, but also to a carefully thought-out diet.
“There is a very cheap and effective way to normalize blood pressure – you have to eat broccoli. This vegetable is full of folic acid, phytoestrogens, vitamin C, calcium, potassium and magnesium. Eating four servings of broccoli a week significantly lowers blood pressure,” the article says.
It is noted that the best way to cook this vegetable is to steam it or try eating it raw.
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