Eating habits that slow down metabolism are named
Metabolism is one of the most important processes in which the human body converts food into energy. And if it happens without failures and violations, a person easily sheds extra kilograms. But some eating habits can lead to certain disturbances in metabolism, which will turn into serious problems. Experts name five eating habits that slow down metabolism and threaten trouble.
Breakfast pass
According to experts in the field of healthy nutrition, it has been scientifically established that skipping breakfast leads to a violation of the body's circadian rhythm, and this, in turn, has a negative impact on the general condition of the body and, in particular, on the metabolism. It is best to eat whole grain toast, oatmeal, nuts or at least eggs for breakfast.
Adding sugar to the morning diet
Nutritionists claim that a large amount of sugar during breakfast leads to an increase in the level of glucose in the blood, which slows down the metabolism. Therefore, it is best to start the day with complex carbohydrates and proteins. An excellent option in this case would be an omelet with tomatoes and greens.
Solid carbohydrates
According to experienced doctors, an excessive amount of carbohydrates in the diet can also result in sharp jumps in blood sugar. After that, sugar drops just as sharply, due to which a person feels very tired – this is a sign of a slowing down of metabolism.
Too light breakfast
So that the rate of metabolism substances in the body remained at a sufficient level, you need to eat quite densely in the morning. Moreover, as previous studies have shown, people who start the morning with foods containing a large amount of fiber and protein eat significantly less in the evening, which also has a positive effect on their health.
Not enough water
Nutritionists have long argued that the human body urgently needs a sufficient amount of water to function properly and efficiently, especially at the cellular level. Therefore, whenever the body is dehydrated or experiences even a slight fluid deficit, metabolic processes in it slow down, so people are recommended to drink a glass of water every morning.
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