Eating raw vegetables can be harmful to health


Studies have shown that they are capable of killing useful bacteria, which are strengthened. So these products will not be called absolutely useful.

We have repeatedly heard that in order to promote health, we need to actively consume vegetables and fruits, and especially raw. However, a new study of scientists at the University of California in San Francisco has shown that some varieties of vegetables in raw form are harmed by our body, not benefit. In the course of experiments conducted on laboratory mice and people, scientists have found that the consumption of cooked food not only changed bacteria in the body, known under the common name of the microbioma, but also affected whether the genes of these germs were activated or deactivated.Scientists have come to a clear conclusion that the consumption of cooked vegetables and fruits enhances the health of the intestine, and many raw foods contain components that can kill the microorganisms we need. So, actively on vegetables, we destroy intestinal bacteria that are important for the work of the immune system and normalization of digestive processes. The results of this study make it possible to better understand what types of products give us useful bacteria, and how it evolved with microbiome due to the fact that humanity has learned to cook food as it has developed, so as not to eat raw. It turned out that there was no difference in the microbioma of animals that consumed raw and cooked meat. But the raw battle did much more harm than the same vegetable, but in prepared form. When these experiments were repeated with such vegetables, potatoes, corn, peas, carrots and beets, the results were exactly the same.

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Author: alex

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