Eating the same product four times a week reduces the risk of death from a heart attack
Heart attack is a serious cardiovascular event. Almost 30 percent of people who have a seizure die. Moreover, half of them do not even have time to get to the hospital. But there is one product that can almost halve the risk of death from a heart attack.
An Italian study analyzed the effect of chili peppers on the risk of death from a heart attack. The researchers used data from more than 22,800 participants.
Their health status was monitored for about eight years, data on eating habits were taken into account. Italian scientists led by Dr. Marialaura Bonaccio found that those who regularly ate chili peppers, at least four times a week or more, had a 40 percent lower risk of dying from a heart attack than those who ate them less often.
Scientists also found that chili lovers were 60 percent less likely to die from cerebrovascular diseases such as stroke. Researchers have not been able to determine why chili peppers have these effects.
Some experts believe that capsaicin, the active ingredient that gives chili peppers their hot taste, is to blame. Some evidence suggests that capsaicinoids may affect platelet function and reduce insulin resistance.
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