Effective ways to get rid of the smell of alcohol and smoke

Aftertaste and the smell of alcohol are two different things. However, they are often combined, complementing each other, which gives a special stability and piquancy.

The smell of alcohol is linear: it persists as long as there are remains of alcohol in the mouth (including on the teeth and palate), esophagus or stomach. To get rid of it, sometimes it is enough to simply brush your teeth and properly rinse your mouth.

A hangover is insidious and the cause of its occurrence is the breakdown products of ethanol that appear in the body after the liver has taken over the processing of alcohol that has entered the blood, that is, after approximately 60-90 minutes. Some of these decomposition products – for example, acetic acid – have a very unpleasant smell. The body removes all this indigestible nastiness in three ways: with breathing through the lungs, then through the pores of the skin, and with urine.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to overcome a hangover by rinsing or chewing gum: the “aroma” comes from the whole body, not only from the mouth.

Finally, the aftertaste evaporates only after the body has completely broken down and removed all the alcohol. Depending on the strength and quantity of drinks consumed, this process can last from two hours to a day.

However, do not give up: there are ways to quickly restore breath freshness. Let's start with “light artillery”.

How to get rid of the smell of alcohol

Do this if you recently drank strong alcohol and now you just need to ensure that no one around you smells “a drop of cognac”. But don't expect the following procedures to fool a police breathalyzer. They are not able to remove vapors of exhaled alcohol from the air, but only mask the smell, and only for 15-40 minutes.

  1. Brush your teeth.It is optimal to use a paste with an extra mint smell for this. Thus, during cleaning, you will not only remove the remains of alcohol from the teeth, gums and tongue, but you will also be able to eliminate the smell from those areas where a toothbrush cannot reach: from the back of the tongue or from the throat.
  2. Rinse your mouth and throat properly. It is most effective to do this in two stages: first with plain water, then with a hygienic rinse for the mouth and gums. Such products, as a rule, also have their own smell, capable of overpowering alcohol
  3. Drink natural coffee. Coffee contains a lot of aromatic oils, which can mute the alcohol vapors for a while. To maximize the anti-alcohol effect of the drink, prepare it without sugar and milk, and before taking a sip, hold the liquid in your mouth for a few seconds.
  4. Use chewing gum.This is a popular but somewhat controversial method. The aroma of chewing gum can partially overpower the aroma of alcohol. But, on the other hand, chewing gum is so often used to mask unpleasant odors that it will most likely backfire on your attempts to cover your tracks.
  5. Chew natural flavorings. Greens and spices , which are stored in almost any kitchen, also often contain a decent amount of aromatic oils that can cope with unpleasant odors. The most effective in this regard are a stick of cinnamon, which you can simply chew, as well as parsley, cilantro and nutmeg.In addition to a decent dose of aromatic essential oils, these vegetables contain sulfur, which, once in the stomach and then in the intestines, turns into sulfur compounds – they give the smell a special persistence. If all remedies are good for you in the fight against alcohol breath, then garlic and onions will be very effective.

How to get rid of a hangover

If more than an hour has passed since drinking alcohol, add heavy artillery to the methods described above. These procedures will speed up the removal of alcohol breakdown products from the body.

  1. Drink more fluids. Coffee, black and green tea are suitable. Due to the caffeine content, these drinks have a diuretic effect and stimulate the kidneys. And therefore, the body quickly removes chemical compounds that have entered the body.
  2. Take a warm shower.Warm water opens and cleans the pores, accelerating the elimination of toxins. The most effective option is a contrast shower, which also improves metabolism. But it should only be used by those who are sure of the absolute health of their cardiovascular system.
  3. Have a proper breakfast. For example, with scrambled eggs or lean meat steak, supplementing protein dish with fresh vegetables. These dishes are rich in amino acids and protein, which help the liver to process the remains of ethyl alcohol faster.
  4. Add pepper.Hot spices such as chili pepper, horseradish or mustard are one way to speed up the metabolism. Of course, the effect will be temporary, but it will also help the body to remove the consequences of the party faster.
  5. Motive activity. Exercise, take a walk, or at least simply ventilate the room to breathe fresh air and fill blood with oxygen. For effective oxidation of alcohol in the liver, oxygen is needed, and the more of it the body receives, the faster the process will go. In addition, increased deep breathing helps to clean the lungs, which means that the afterburn becomes less strong.
  6. Use pharmaceutical hangover remedies. Anti-hangover drugs containing unitiol or amber are very effective. acid These substances affect the metabolism and thereby accelerate the removal of alcohol breakdown products from the body.

Sometimes a smell similar to alcohol (or the smell of acetone) arises from the mouth even if a person is absolutely sure did not drink alcohol. If you notice something like this, run to the doctor. This can be a symptom of serious metabolic disorders, including the development of diabetes.

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Author: alex

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