Eggs: what is more in them – good or bad?
Eggs are a very common product in our country, but how useful is it actually? And can you eat eggs every day?
The endocrinologist talked about the benefits of eggs and why they should not be abused.
“On the one hand, an egg is a product with a very high nutritional value. It contains complete and easily digestible protein, choline, lutein, as well as many vitamins and minerals. And all this with a moderate calorie content. On the other hand, eggs have a drawback – they are a potential allergen,” says the expert.
If a person is allergic to chicken protein, eggs should definitely be excluded from the diet forever!
The second a feature that is important to pay attention to is the high content of cholesterol in the egg yolk (almost half of the daily norm in one egg!).
The results of some studies indicate a direct connection between the increased risk of cardiovascular pathologies and the consumption of eggs . However, these are observational studies, so it is not worth focusing on them 100%.
From this it follows that in the absence of an allergy to chicken protein, the consumption of one egg per day is absolutely permissible for a healthy person. It will not lead you to diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The same can be said about any other natural product – stick to moderation in everything, and then the product will not harm your health.
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