Eight bad habits that can negatively affect bone health 

With age, bones wear out, so early care for their health is especially important to avoid osteoporosis. Exercise strengthens bones and improves overall health, but bad habits can negate those efforts.

Not enough calcium

To strengthen bones, include dairy products, leafy greens, fish and nuts in your diet. Not getting enough calcium can weaken your bones, but be aware that too much is also bad for your health, so balance your calcium intake in your diet.

Too much salt

To support bone health, limit your salt intake, avoid processed foods, and use herbs and spices for seasoning. Include potassium-rich foods in your diet, such as bananas and potatoes, to help your body eliminate excess sodium. This will help strengthen bones.

Neglecting sports

To strengthen your bones and reduce your risk of osteoporosis, be physically active, including walking and lifting weights. Even an ordinary daily walk will have a positive effect on bone health. It is recommended to allocate 150 minutes per week for moderate-intensity exercise.

Sedentary lifestyle

To support bone health, take breaks to move during prolonged sitting . Stand up, stretch or walk for a few minutes. This will improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of bone problems.

Excessive alcohol consumption

To strengthen bones, limit alcohol consumption, as it reduces calcium absorption. Women are recommended to drink up to one drink a day, and men – up to two. This moderation will help keep your bones healthy and improve your overall well-being.

Abusing sugary sodas

To strengthen your bones, cut back on sodas, which can leach calcium. from the body Drink water, herbal teas or calcium-fortified drinks, or plant-based milk. This will help maintain bone health and provide the body with the necessary nutrients.

Tobacco smoking

Smoking reduces blood supply and disrupts bone regeneration, which leads to their fragility. and relaxation. Quitting tobacco will help keep bones strong and reduce the risk of possible fractures. Although it is not easy, protecting your health is worth the effort.

Lack of optimal amount of calories in the diet

Insufficient calorie intake with age, when their mass decreases , can weaken bones. And that's why it's important to maintain bone health through a balanced diet that provides the necessary calories, calcium, vitamin D and protein.

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Author: alex

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