Eight clear signs that your relationship with your partner is based on true love

True love does not pass just because difficult times have come in the relationship. The strongest couples constantly make efforts to maintain and preserve love. They never stop trying to get to know each other better.

True love is not when there are no bad days and difficult periods. True love is when joy, happiness and light are present even in difficult times.

True love requires perseverance and tenacity, when two people decide that they will be there for each other, no matter what happens. No matter how difficult it is at times in a relationship, strong couples always find a way to cope with difficulties.

If the signs listed below are present in your relationship, then you can be sure: you have met true love.

You understand each other< /p>

You move toward each other, not in opposite directions, because you know that mutual understanding is the foundation of a healthy relationship.

You care about each other

The essence of your relationship is not just about taking more from your partner. On the contrary, each of you tries to give the other as much as possible.

You support each other's dreams, goals and aspirations

No one of you is not trying to prevent the other from self-realization. You always motivate, inspire and push each other on the way to your dreams.

You always find time to be together

You know , that time spent together is very important to maintaining a healthy relationship. And you know how to find this time, despite all the affairs and worries.

You do not hide from possible conflicts

Yes, you sometimes quarrel, but you do it like adults. That is, your goal is to find a compromise, not to show who is the master in the house.

You do not run away from possible conflicts. You just understand that unresolved problems do not disappear anywhere, on the contrary, they only grow over time, like a snowball.

You make efforts so that the passion does not fade< /strong>

You know that passion in a relationship is something that needs to be nurtured like a fire in a fireplace. That is why you are always ready to act so that the spark does not go out.

You do not hide your feelings

You never hide love and tenderness that you feel for each other. You are not shy and not afraid to show them.

You are honest and open with each other

In real love there is no room for deception and meanness. Mutual trust and respect is what keeps your relationship afloat.

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Author: alex

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