Eight phrases that a man says only if he really cares about you

“No pretense will help for long to hide love when it is there, or to pretend it is not.” — Francois de La Rochefoucauld.< /p>

It is customary to believe that men are more direct and less verbose than women. However, this is just a stereotype that representatives of the stronger sex often try to live up to. After all, a real macho should be serious, unmoved and silent.

Here are 8 phrases that a man says only if he really cares about you.

“It reminded me of you”

This phrase shows that even when you're apart, he's still thinking about you.

His mind begins to create a nostalgic map of you, on which he notes certain patterns, smells, symbols, and experiences that are directly related with you.

He gives you a nickname

If a man gives you a nickname, it means he wants to play with you. And it's also a way to get away from formalities and get closer. A nickname helps to melt the ice and encourages you to get closer emotionally.

“Let me help you”

If you heard this, then he wants to feel that you need him. Whether it's advice or physical help, if a guy goes out of his way to make your life easier, he's trying to show his reliability.

Basically, he's trying to let you know that you can trust him.< /p>

“I miss you”

By saying that he misses you, a man thereby confesses his deep feelings for you. However, this does not matter if the messages from him only come late at night, when he is lonely or has nothing to do. If you are on vacation or on a business trip, and he tells you that he misses you, then your absence is noticeable and affects him very much.

“I am near”< /strong>

When a guy says this phrase, he makes it clear that he wants to be a part of your life. This is like the case with the offer to help, since here he also shows his reliability.

If a guy says he's close, he's encouraging you to tear down your walls. This creates a strong bond between you and turns the individual “I” into a “we”.

“You are beautiful”

If he likes to flirt and says phrases like that too often, you're probably not the only one he's trying to charm. However, if he rarely compliments you, then he is really interested in you.

“I'm worried”

If he admits to because it bothers him, it speaks of his openness. By introducing you to his problems, he removes his own protection and begins to trust.

And if the problem is directly related to you, then this is a clear sign that he cares about you and that he only wants the best for you.< /p>

“I like you/I love you”

The most obvious phrase. Courage and openness contained in these words, which mean his willingness to be in a position where his feelings may be mutual. But he still wants to be honest with you, and that says a lot.

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Author: alex

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