Eight ways to keep your body slim
Dietitian and district nurse Rie Matsuda told how you can maintain a healthy weight after losing weight. You just need to remember eight points.
First of all, to maintain a slim figure, it is important to eat protein at every meal. But in addition to this, there are eight more points.
Protein speeds up metabolism together with vitamin B6. Eat a variety of protein foods, as they contain different nutrients. At the same time, take vitamin B6 to enhance protein metabolism.
Avoid condiments with a lot of sugar and additives. They can make you gain weight. Replace them with soy sauce, miso, dashi broth, ginger, and green onions.
When eating, eat protein first. In this case, incretin will be produced faster, which will help control the increase in blood sugar levels.
Stewed cabbage and water with lemon juice prevent overeating. Yes, stewed cabbage is rich in dietary fiber, and water with lemon has a fat-burning effect.
Oils should be consumed raw. This applies especially to good oils. It is recommended to eat olive, sesame, flaxseed oil.
Fermented foods are good for digestion. They will help with weight loss because they relieve constipation. Such foods include yogurt, kimchi, natto.
Suppress your appetite with soy products. They will help you feel full for a long time, reduce weight and do not retain gluten.
Suppress your appetite with soy products. This will be especially useful during menopause.
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