Elderly people need to drink an additional two cups of water
In the summer, in hot weather, elderly people should drink water, even if they do not feel thirsty, doctors believe.
“It is important for elderly people to drink more water than they want,” a neuroendocrinologist said in an interview.
According to the doctor, in old age, people are at higher risk of dehydration: because over the years, the thirst center in the brain decreases its sensitivity. If an elderly person feels a noticeable feeling of thirst, this may mean that the body has already suffered serious dehydration, which can be very dangerous at this age due to its consequences.
“Dehydration can lead to problems with memory, concentration, reaction, weakness, falls, constipation.”
The doctor noted: to avoid the effects of dehydration, elderly people need to follow one “golden” rule – to drink an additional two cups of water during the day, regardless of whether they want to or not.
The specialist also shared other recommendations.
- Elderly people should drink their medications with a whole glass of water.
- When leaving the house, you should take a bottle of water with you.
- It is best to drink water in small portions and regularly throughout the day.
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