Electronic cigarettes are only dangerous for men

E-cigarettes are dangerous for men's hearts, but not for women's. Scientists from Ohio University came to this conclusion.

The world's first study of the long-term effects of electronic cigarettes shocked its own authors, who absolutely did not expect to receive such conclusions. Scientists tested how young mice react to aerosol particles from electronic cigarettes. It turned out that vaping has a significant negative effect on the cardiovascular system of young male mice, but not females.

The authors of the study emphasize that it was necessary to conduct it, because scientists still have insufficient information on the impact of electronic cigarettes on young people. Especially with regard to long-term effects, since vaping itself has been present in our lives since the beginning of the zero years. So scientists did not have time to make sure what happens to his fans after several decades. And the lifespan of mice is much shorter, which is why they were exposed to aerosol particles from electronic cigarettes.

Naturally, it is unethical to involve teenagers in such research. It involved mice with the equivalent of a human age of 12 years, that is, the beginning of adolescence. They were exposed to a combination of propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin, as well as nicotine. The health of the mice was monitored until they were 30 years old according to the human calendar.

It was established that the males experienced a reduction in heart function during this period, but vaping did not cause such consequences in the females. This was partly explained by the fact that females had higher amounts of one specific enzyme that breaks down nicotine. Still, scientists were shocked by the level of protection the females possessed. The theory is that because the enzyme breaks down nicotine so quickly, it doesn't stay in the bloodstream long enough to cause damage to the heart.

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Author: alex

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