Elijah's Day: what traditions of the holiday are important to know and what you can ask the prophet

On July 20, believers celebrate Ilya's Day according to the new church calendar of the OCU. It is dedicated to the memory of the biblical prophet Elijah, who is considered the patron saint of fertility.

Traditions of the holiday

Liturgy and a special service are held in churches. On the holiday, it is customary to go to the temple and pray to the saint. In their prayers, believers usually ask the saint for a bountiful harvest, a peaceful sky above their heads and family happiness.

In ancient times, healing herbs, berries and fruits were collected on this day.

Earlier it was believed that in on this day you can not stay outside if there is a thunderstorm. It was necessary to light a candle in front of the icon of Ilya, it was believed that this could protect the house from lightning.

It is also customary to work at the apiary and take care of bees on the holiday.

It used to be believed that after this day you cannot swim in rivers and lakes. According to folk legend, the holy water becomes cold and cloudy.

Ilya has long been considered the patron saint of married couples, so weddings were traditionally played on this day. In ancient times, it was believed that a wedding on this day would bring wealth and happiness to the family.

Prayers on Elijah's Day

There is an island far across the ocean, on this island Elijah the Prophet is sitting with the Angels. God's messengers shoot arrows, drive away ailments from me, God's servant (s) (name). Amen


Oh, holy prophet of God Ilya. Pray for me, the servant of God (name), before the Lord God, so that He forgives the sins I have committed and frees me from torment on earth and at the terrible judgment. I pray to you and ask for help in every matter and in the fight against sinful temptations. Help me find peace, and protect me from evil and ill-wishers. I worship you and the Heavenly King, I hope for your help. Amen.

On the day of the prophet Elijah, it is customary to bake bread from the flour of the new harvest. Even the saying has survived to our time: “On Ilya, new bread is on the table”.

Ilya is asked for healing from diseases, health for children and loved ones, family well-being, and rain during a drought. Pray for a good harvest. It is also worth asking the saint for peace to come as soon as possible. On this day, the saint hears all requests. It is customary for Ilya to gather in the family circle and set the table.

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Author: alex

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