Endocrinologist named foods that deal a devastating blow to the liver
Endocrinologist Kateryna Yang told what foods are better not to include in the diet so as not to undermine health. The doctor named products that deal a devastating blow to the liver even with a single intake.
According to endocrinologist Kateryna Yang, trans fats should not be included in the diet. These organic substances are poorly absorbed by the body and can lead to the development of various diseases.
Trans fats can disrupt the functioning of the liver and heart, weaken the immune system, cause allergies, diabetes and hormonal disruption, and impair the functioning of the reproductive system.
They are found in cakes, pastries, donuts, cookies, waffles, French fries, hamburgers, chebureks, ice cream, coffee, hot chocolate, sausages, hot dogs, sausages, ketchup, mayonnaise, dough, store-bought dumplings, and cheese products.
The listed foods can undermine health. The situation will worsen if food with trans fats is subjected to aggressive heating – deep-frying, grilling, baking.
Endocrinologist Young emphasized that alcohol, in particular, causes a devastating blow to the liver. Regular alcohol consumption increases the risk of developing hepatitis, cirrhosis, and cancer of the body's “chemical laboratory.”
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