Enlarged lymph nodes: what it can talk about
enlargement of lymph nodes around the neck, in the groin or in your armpit. Most often, such a reaction is not very dangerous infections that the body tries to prevent. But in some cases, you should consult a doctor.
swollen lymph nodes can often be seen on certain parts of the body, such as neck, groin, chest, armpit or ear. In these areas they are quite easy to palpate.
At the same time, only 150 lymph nodes on each side are located on one neck, but only about three to five of them are noticeable as it increases. Such expansion may have different causes – it is usually harmless, but in some cases it may indicate serious diseases. areas of the body.
“In most cases, swollen lymph nodes are a concomitant symptom of a rather harmless inflammation. For example, it can be almond infection, ingrown hair, mosquito bite. Inflammation on the tooth can cause one -sided nodes on the neck. Lymph nodes swell due to the fact that the body resists these triggers, ”stated a member of the German Society of Otolaryngology and Surgery of the head and neck Christian Philip Schurr.
In addition, the enlargement of lymph nodes can be caused by cat -scratch disease, in which bacteria from animals enter the human body, as well as infection with food contaminated with pathogens of toxoplasmosis or listeriosis. In people with a weakened immune system, these diseases can provoke very serious health problems. Infection is also called “kissing disease” because of this typical way of infection.
It is believed that swollen lymph nodes are a sign of cancer. According to German otolaryngologist Christian Philip Surrh Cancer can cause such a symptom in very rare cases. The lymph nodes thus try to stop the spread of tumors and prevent metastasis. Swollen nodes in the case of oncology mean that cancer is treatable because the lymph nodes were warned in a timely manner of illness, ”the expert explained.
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