Errors that reduce the benefits of morning oatmeal were named by nutritionists
Oatmeal is one of the most popular dishes for breakfast. However, you should remember mistakes in its preparation, as they can not only “kill” the taste of porridge, but also harm the body.
Adding sugar
“Excess sugar can be associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases,” she explained. “Instead, season your oatmeal with cocoa powder, nut butter, nuts, seeds, fruits and spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and ginger,” advises the expert.
Opt for porridge instant
“Many types of oatmeal, especially instant oatmeal, are extremely high in sugar and sodium,” says another nutritionist, Megan Byrd. “These two ingredients make oatmeal tastier, but they're not very good for our heart health and probably negate any benefits we might get from eating oatmeal altogether.”
Inclusion of toppings
According to experts, adding a large amount of syrup or butter toppings to morning oatmeal can deprive the dish of useful properties. “This can lead to some opposite effects, such as fatty deposits on the heart or other organs, increased chances of developing diabetes,” the experts say.
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