Even minimal alcohol consumption can affect heart health

Cardiac and cardiovascular disease is common in the United Kingdom. As a result, it's important to take care of your heart so it can work as efficiently as possible and to maximize your overall health.

According to a new study, drinking even a small amount of alcohol each week may pose a risk for cardiovascular disease.

The study concluded:

“Any amount of alcohol consumption was associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, but there were marked differences in risk by level of consumption.”

Thus, this study suggests that drinking alcohol at any level leads to an increased level of cardiovascular risk and that the risk increases with consumption.

The more units a person drinks per week, the higher the likelihood that he will later have problems with the cardiovascular system. Over time, even those who drink just one or two pints a week will be at an increased risk of heart disease.

Regarding alcohol consumption, the NHS advises men and women to: 'drink no more than 14 units a week on a regular basis basis.
“14 portions are equivalent to six pints of medium-strength beer or one small glass of lower-strength wine.”

In addition to the increased risk of heart disease, the NHS lists a number of conditions in which alcohol abuse can also increase the likelihood of developing in humans.

These diseases include:

• Stroke
• Liver disease
• Liver cancer
• Intestinal cancer< br> • Oral cavity cancer
• Breast cancer
• Pancreatitis

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Author: alex

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