Even small amounts of alcohol reduce the size of the brain
The structure and size of the brain changes in people who drink, which leads to cognitive impairment. Many believe that they are not at risk if they do not exceed a certain level of alcohol consumption. However, just a few beers or glasses of wine per week can cause similar harm.
An analysis of data from more than 36,000 adults by a team from the University of Pennsylvania found that light to moderate alcohol consumption was associated with a decrease in the total volume of the brain. The study found that the link is stronger at higher levels of alcohol consumption.
For example, 50-year-olds who consume one glass of wine per day (two servings of alcohol) have concomitant changes in the brain equivalent to two-year aging. Going from two to three drinks at the same age is equivalent to aging by three and a half years.
“These results contradict scientific and government recommendations for safe limits on alcohol consumption,” emphasizes Henry Kranzler, the author responsible for correspondence, professor of psychiatry.
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