Every fourth doctor suffers from psyche problems
stress through hard work leads to depression, anxiety and alcoholism. And this increases the danger to patients. It turned out that stress through a hard work schedule and constant emotional stress pushes many specialists in medicine to depression, anxiety and alcohol abuse. Until the last doctors resort to the hope of relaxing. The doctors themselves, of course, need to know better than the rest that alcohol does not give such stress, and in reality only worsens the situation, because its relaxing effect is short -lived, and the negative impact persists for many years.
27% (!) One can only imagine what percentage of those who have not heard this diagnosis. 40% of doctors face serious psychological emotional problems that affect them destructively. In this case, female doctors suffer more than the male doctor.
the study showed some obvious facts. For example, the length of work week more than 51 hours greatly increases the risk of emotional problems in doctors. The authors of this study suggest that the UK's state health care is developing a very disturbing crisis with the psychological health of doctors. It is threatening serious problems and patients.
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