Every second gardener makes these mistakes when pruning trees
Garden trees need regular pruning. Crown formation, rehabilitation, and sanitary cleaning to get rid of old and dry branches are mandatory stages of care. To ensure successful and effective pruning, do not make mistakes.
The first mistake
There is no need to rush to prune in the fall. If you do it early, when there are still many spores of pathogens in the air, there is an increased risk of infecting the tree with them. Spores settle on the cuts, which leads to the problem. To avoid this, it is recommended to prune in early spring or winter.
Second mistake
When pruning branches, soak the stump. This is a very bad habit. Stumps do not heal well, the tree cannot tighten them with bark. And over time, they will begin to rot, which will kill the tree.
Find the base of the branch, which is attached to the trunk. There you need to determine the correct cutting angle. We have already written about this. Read about it in detail here. When cutting a branch correctly, the wound heals faster and is tightened with bark, which makes the procedure safe for the tree.
Third mistake
Cut off more than half of the tree crown is a mistake. Do not do this, because this provokes the growth of shoots that become fat. In addition, it leads to a thickening of the crown. This also provokes the problem of reduced yield and depletion of the tree in general.
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