Everyday habits that have a bad effect on eye health

Some everyday habits can lead to visual impairment. The doctor of medical sciences, an ophthalmic surgeon, told about it. She listed what to pay attention to.

Work behind a bright screen

The specialist said that working behind a bright screen in a dark room is harmful to the eyes. This is due to the fact that the eyes have to constantly focus on objects of different lighting – look from the keyboard to the monitor and back. And the organs of vision cannot be rebuilt at such a high speed.

“For the pupils to expand and get used to bright light, it takes five seconds to narrow for darkness – it takes up to five minutes. Such a mode of work leads to fatigue, redness of the eyes, headaches and provokes a decrease in visual acuity,” explained the doctor.

Consumption of a small amount of water

Consuming a small amount of water also has a negative effect on the organs of vision – it can lead to dryness and discomfort in the eyes. There are similar symptoms in an independent pathology – “dry eye syndrome”. It requires medical treatment. “Therefore, if you have restored the water balance, but the symptoms persist, do not postpone a visit to a specialist,” the doctor advised.

Using ready-made glasses

According to the doctor , many people buy and use ready-made glasses, even though they can be dangerous. When writing out a prescription for glasses, ophthalmologists take into account the individual characteristics of each patient, but this does not happen when buying ready-made glasses.

Reading in transport

Another bad habit for eye-reading in transport. Moreover, it does not matter what a person is using – a smartphone, a book, a tablet. During the trip, the hands do not stay in place, they twitch at every bump in the road. As a result, the eyes feel an increased load due to the change in focus. Therefore, the doctor recommends taking small breaks every 10-15 minutes while reading in transport so that the eyes can rest and relax.

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Author: alex

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