Excessive use of certain vitamins can cause hair loss

Taking too many supplements can have negative consequences. Hair loss is a natural phenomenon, however, if you lose more than 125 hairs per day, you may notice thinning and thinning.

Excessive use of vitamins and nutritional supplements can cause hair loss. Indeed, too much selenium and too much vitamin A have been found to cause hair loss.

Wimpole Hair Transplant Clinic say that while vitamin A is a vital part of a healthy and balanced diet, like everything another, “it should be taken in moderation.”

“Just because it's a vitamin doesn't mean too much of it won't do you any harm.”

World Health Organization health lists “alopecia” as a result of chronic vitamin A toxicity.

Furthermore, a study that reviewed 47 other scientific papers on the subject identifies excess vitamin A as one of the most important toxic agents, which are involved in the development of alopecia.

It is better not to exceed the recommended limit of vitamins, because too much of them can cause various health problems. What's more, too much selenium can also contribute to hair loss in some people.

According to researchers at the University of Surrey, consuming too much selenium creates too many antioxidant enzymes. This excess of antioxidant enzymes causes the body to attack its own cells, including in the hair follicles, resulting in hair loss.

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Author: alex

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