Exercising can help reduce the risk of dementia
Maintaining good sports shape reduces the likelihood of developing senile dementia by a third. Scientists from the Washington VA Medical Center in the United States came to this conclusion.
Keep a good sports form in middle age to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease by a third. Even a small strengthening of the health of the heart and lungs has a very positive effect on the general condition of a person.
American scientists conducted an analysis with the participation of 649,605 men with an average age of 61 years. Those who had the best sports performance were 33% less likely to experience senile dementia, compared to those who had the worst sports form.
The authors of the study call the obtained results very impressive and promising. Especially against the background of the rapid spread of various forms of dementia across the planet, which is associated with an increase in the average life expectancy.
Also, unfortunately, medicine still does not have any means that would help not only cure, but at least stop the progression of Alzheimer's disease. All methods are aimed only at combating the manifestation of its symptoms. For example, with increased agitation, the patient can be calmed down with pills.
The conclusion of this observation looks all the more amazing, which shows a simple and effective way to reduce the risk of senile dementia. Note that regular exercise benefits all aspects of health in general, including strengthening the cardiovascular system and protection against cancer. And heart diseases and tumors are among the most common causes of death on our planet.
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