Exercising only on weekends can also improve health
If on full-fledged physical activity, walking and sports remain only on weekends, it still benefits health and can extend people's lives, scientists have established.
It is known that the minimum level of physical activity useful for health promotion is 150 minutes per week. A new study by British doctors representing the University of Teesside (Teesside University) says that exercising only on weekends may also make sense
“Exercising only on weekends still has health benefits and reduces risk deaths from heart diseases,” the authors of the study said.
They analyzed the lifestyle of 60,000 people over the age of 40. Depending on the level of physical exertion, the subjects were divided into the categories of regularly exercising, sometimes exercising, and sedentary. After comparing their risks of dying from cardiovascular diseases, experts found that people who have the opportunity to do sports only on weekends are much better protected from deadly vascular accidents than those who prefer to spend their free time on the sofa at home.
< p>“Those who exercised only on weekends, compared to those who led a sedentary lifestyle and did not participate in any sport, had an approximately 40% lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease and a lower risk of death from all cancers – by 18%”, the researchers stated.
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