Experienced cooks explained whether it is necessary to wash pasta after boiling it

Most housewives habitually place a colander with pasta under cold water. So they wash them so they don't stick together. Sometimes it saves from pasta porridge, sometimes not. Experienced cooks and chefs do not advise doing this with every pasta product. Sometimes this action makes no sense at all.


Pasta is made from different types of wheat. That is why we see different prices for them on store shelves. Pay attention to domestic brands, and also carefully read the composition.

If the composition of the products indicates flour from durum wheat varieties, it will be an ideal choice. Such pasta does not boil, holds its shape well, and does not stick together.

When the package indicates soft types of flour, there will be certain difficulties in cooking with these pasta products. It does not mean. that they are not tasty. On the contrary, they taste good, but be prepared for clumping.

If you plan to make a sauce with the pasta, do not wash it. The delicious sauce sticks worse to those washed under water. There will be no harmony between them. If the pasta will be part of the salad, then it is better to wash it. The dish will only look better and more appetizing.

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Author: alex

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