Experienced gardeners told whether to break the lower cabbage leaves

.It turns out that in the garden and garden there are no such crops that the circumcision and removal of unnecessary overgrown, as such could harm. The same goes for cabbage. Experienced gardeners told what really break the lower cabbage leaves and when it really is needed. Removal can cause trouble.

In addition, the leaves are responsible for thermoregulation, protects against pathogenic microorganisms and other parasites.Cut this leaves if the lower part of the plug begins to rot. Together with them, all parts that die;

  • are also removed the leaves when they prevent moisture from entering the root system and interfere with the rolling; Overgrowth. Green and healthy leaves do not need to be touched at all, especially in medium- and late-ripe varieties.

    do not remove strong green leaves also after cabbage.

  • Secondly, the cutting place should be powdered with wood;
  • Third, you can cut no more than one sheet for seven days.
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    Publication date:
    Author: alex

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