Experienced gardeners told why to sprinkle beds with Epsom salt
Eps is actively used in medicine and cosmetology. The fact is that this substance (which has another name – “bitter salt”) has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.
However, we should not forget that this agent is a source of magnesium – a trace element without which it is impossible growth of many plants. Magnesia contains many other important components for garden crops. Thus, Epsom salt can act as a fertilizer.
How to use bitter salt correctly
Just sprinkle the beds with this loose agent. Soon after the procedure, important substances and elements will enter the soil.
Plants in the vegetable garden will definitely not face a mineral deficiency.
The use of bitter salt promotes the rapid growth and development of garden crops.
Plants bloom well and become thick. There are conditions for the formation of a large number of fruits.
This means that thanks to the use of English salt, the summer resident will most likely harvest a very rich harvest.
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