Experienced gardeners told why you should cut cucumber leaves
Many gardeners have heard that for some reason they cut the leaves on cucumbers. It is believed that in this way you can influence the harvest. Many are prevented from such intervention only by a lack of skills and the usual distrust with which people treat everything new and unknown.
Why prune cucumber leaves
Firstly, the large size of the leaves on the cucumber whips creates a shadow that is not to the liking of the ripe fruits and the plant itself.
Secondly, without pruning, the green mass can grow thickly and abundantly, but the cucumbers themselves will be unpresentable.
Thirdly, pruning in the greenhouse will improve ventilation, reduce humidity and reduce the risk of mold and fungus.
How to prune cucumber leaves
First of all, everything that has grown on the lower level is removed, and with them the empty inflorescences.
Leaves and shoots that grow downward and lie on the ground are also subject to pruning.
Remove side shoots, dried or yellow leaves.
In hybrid varieties, the upper leaves, above the sixth leaf, are also removed, leaving three healthy and developed shoots.
On varietal cucumbers, the upper leaves are not cut off, otherwise the fruits will turn yellow.
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