Experienced housewives have revealed a proven way to cook delicious and soft liver
Liver cannot be called the most popular product for cooking, because not everyone can make a decent dish. Most often, the offal turns out to be hard and unappetizing. Also, some types of liver retain an unpleasant bitter taste and specific smell. Which cooking method will help to avoid all these disadvantages
The method of cooking any type of liver is the same. If you have chosen a pork or beef product for cooking, it must first be cleaned.
We remove any films and veins. You can not touch the chicken liver.
Cut the product into portions. It is also wiser to divide the chicken offal into two parts. Pour water over the liver and try to rinse it well.
After that, transfer it to a deep container and add milk with any fat content. The chicken liver “rests” in the marinade for 20 minutes, the rest of the options are better kept in milk for at least an hour.
Then we remove the moisture with a napkin or paper towel and cover it with flour.
You can safely proceed. before frying The liver will definitely be tasty, fragrant and soft.
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