Experienced housewives told how to cook barley porridge correctly

Pearl barley porridge is cooked very rarely. It has a specific taste by itself, and if it is prepared incorrectly, the cereal can also be bitter.


In general, this porridge is not just a well of vitamins. Without any exaggeration, we can say that pearl barley is good for the whole body.

Nutritionists have long been saying that pearl barley porridge is good even for the nervous system. And to make yourself love this product, you need to learn how to cook it correctly.

3 nuances of cooking pearl barley

First, any cereal, if it is not semolina, not chopped or not oatmeal, is washed before cooking. And some housewives even sort it by hand, removing low-quality grains and debris.

Then you need to soak the cereal in cold water for several hours.

Secondly, pearl barley is cooked by pouring only cold water, observing the proportions. This is important.

It is believed that the correct ratio is 2 liters of water per one glass of pearl barley. But you can salt the porridge either at the beginning or at the end of cooking.

Thirdly, after the water boils, cook the porridge for another 50-60 minutes over medium heat.

When ready, remove the pan from the stove, add butter to the porridge and, wrapped, put it in a warm oven for half an hour.


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Author: alex

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