Experienced housewives told how to roast pancakes properly
Fragrant pancakes with crunchy crust and with cream- This is a favorite dish. However, you can add meat to the treat, as well as sprinkle a plate with greens or take an original sauce, such as garlic. However, the dish will always be delicious and appetizing if you know a few “secrets”. It is important that the most important component is of high quality.
fruits with a high starch content. Young potatoes are not suitable for such purposes.
Some housewives add onions to the dough. But it is important not to overdo it. Two servings require 3-4 large tubers and one bulb. You can add two eggs, spices and salt.
you do not need to use flour. The pancakes without this ingredient turn out thin and crispy, but the main thing is not to be mistaken with the degree of frying and not dry. You should not put the dish on too much fire.
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