Experts believe that men should limit alcohol consumption to 1 serving

If you decide to have an alcoholic drink, it is best to limit yourself to one drink a day, whether you are a man or a woman.

This is the new advice recommended by experts for the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which is scheduled to be updated later this year for the first time in five years. The guidelines say men should limit themselves to two drinks a day and women should limit themselves to just one.

In a report published on July 15, the Expert Committee said there was insufficient evidence to support different alcohol recommendations for men. and women, and that research supports stricter restrictions for men.

“Our collective health would be better if people drank less. Many people misinterpret current advice to say they should have one or two drinks a day. Restrictions are for people who already drink. The guiding principles say that people who don't drink shouldn't start,” said Dr. Timothy Naimi, an alcohol researcher at Boston University and one of the experts on the Committee convened by federal officials.

Suggested advice shouldn't be interpreted as saying no drinking on Thursday means you can have two on Friday, Naimi said. One drink is equivalent to about one can of beer or glass of wine.

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Author: alex

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