Experts called the worst time for snacking – sharply raises sugar

Fortunately, improving the diet can stop this process because some products slow down the rate of blood sugar. The opposite is also true. Certain products, namely carbohydrates, are relatively quickly split into blood glucose. This can cause a sharp jump in blood sugar.

also matters your diet time, Express reports.

According to Diabetes UK, snacking in the evening.

“If you have a snack after dinner-special products with carbohydrates-you can wake up the next morning with high blood sugar.” If you still feel hungry, it is best to choose a low -carbohydrate and low -calorie snack, preferably with a high protein or fiber content, such as Greek yogurt or a small handful of nuts. Choose healthier carbohydrate foods and take into account the size of portions, ” – advises Diabetes UK. Chickpeas, beans and lentils

  • Dairy products
  • It is important to reduce the consumption of low -fiber products such as white bread, white rice and cereals with a high degree of processing. You can check labels on products when looking for high -fiber products if you're not sure.

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    Author: alex

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