Experts debunk the most common myths about tuberculosis

Experts talked about the most common myths about tuberculosis. Many of them turned out to be untrue and were refuted by experts.

The second myth says that children do not die from tuberculosis. In fact, about 250 thousand children die from this disease every year around the world. The third myth is that a child should be tested for tuberculosis only in case of a prolonged cough. Experts deny this, because sometimes the first signs of the disease may not be present at all.

BCG vaccination does not save from the disease itself, but only protects against its more severe manifestations. Mantoux and diaskintest are also not the same, since it is Mantoux that gives a more accurate result and is less allergenic than diaskintest.

Experts claim that the belief that there is no need to prepare before tuberculosis tests is a lie. For accurate results, it is necessary to do it 2-4 weeks after ARVI. The last myth, which is very common among mothers, is that tuberculosis tests should be abandoned. Doctors assure that without this test, the child will not even be accepted into kindergarten or school.

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Author: alex

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