Experts explain: what is more useful – to take a shower in the morning or in the evening?

Some prefer to take a shower before bed, while others cannot get up in the morning without a shower. What time of day is better? Experts are trying to answer this.

What time of day should you take a shower?

“There is no scientific evidence as to what time of day is best to shower,” says Amesh A. Adalya, a physician and scientist at the non-profit organization Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.

Therefore, in principle, everyone can decide when to shower. According to Adalia, anyone with acne, allergies to animal dander, or acne-prone skin should shower in the evening after exercising. This removes bacteria and impurities and prevents skin blemishes. Experts also advise people who lead an active lifestyle or sweat a lot at work to take an evening shower.

When washing your hair, you should follow these rules: every two days is usually enough, especially if your hair quickly becomes thin and oily.

Evening cleansing is also better for skin prone to dryness: the skin's protective mantle can be more easily restored overnight .

An evening shower can improve sleep

A study published in the European Journal of Applied and Occupational Physiology found that taking a warm shower before bed can improve the quality sleep.

“Warm water relieves tension and also helps reduce stress,” explains clinical psychologist Erika Martinez.

If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, a warm shower in the evening can be a good option.

< h2>You are in good shape by taking a shower in the morning

A morning shower also has its advantages – it improves blood circulation and gives energy for the whole day. The lower temperature of the water also stimulates blood circulation and thus invigorates the body and mind. Those who tend to sweat at night should ideally shower in the morning to prevent odor build-up. Oily hair also often requires washing in the morning to wash away the sebum and oil deposits from the scalp and hair at night, so that the hairstyle doesn't look flat or sticky.

Conclusion: shower as morning and evening have their benefits, so you should adapt your routine to your daily life and skin type.

According to experts, if you are not prone to dry skin, you can shower twice a day.

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Author: alex

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