Experts from the United States called the “side effects” of giving up alcohol
Licensed Alcohol and drug counselor at Hazelden Betty Ford Jessica Hoffman and behavioral health expert Robin Barnett from the US said there were unexpected “side effects” to giving up alcohol. They have a positive effect on the state of health, in some cases the development of cancer is inhibited.
Experts noted that alcohol consumption and the occurrence of diseases due to it is one of the main factors that can be avoided. In addition, strong alcoholic beverages affect the immune system, increasing the risk of deterioration of the work of the heart and blood vessels. Complete abstinence from alcohol leads to general recovery.
The quality of sleep increases
It is extremely important for a person to get a good night's sleep. This is the restorative phase of sleep, when the brain and body rest after a long, stressful day. At the same time, alcohol consumption interferes with this process. Avoiding alcoholic beverages promotes healthy and quality sleep.
The risk of developing some types of cancer decreases
If you give up alcohol, the risk of developing an oncological disease decreases. According to the American Cancer Society, in cases of human cancer, at least 6-8% of cases are related to people who abuse alcohol. The liver and pancreas suffer, these organs begin to collapse. Alcohol toxin processing causes increased work of the liver and affects its accelerated physical wear.
The immune system becomes more stable
A very important issue is the presence of a strong immune system that performs protective functions. It prevents infections and bacteria from entering the body. When drinking alcohol, the immune system is suppressed, the response to the fight against infectious diseases is dulled, and the chances of the penetration and development of infections inside the body increase.
It is easier for a person to maintain a healthy weight
People who have given up alcoholic drinks have the opportunity to control their weight, preventing obesity. Alcoholic beverages are considered caloric, for this reason citizens who consume them run the risk of filling up. In addition, alcohol provokes overeating, which leads to the appearance of extra pounds.
The risk of cardiovascular diseases is reduced
Giving up alcohol reduces the burden on the heart and vessels, along with this, the risk of developing diabetes is minimized, as many alcoholic beverages contain sugar. An excess amount of glucose in the blood affects the development of cardiovascular diseases. Abstinence from alcohol minimizes the danger, due to this, blood pressure is maintained and the probability of heart failure decreases.
The liver becomes healthier
Refusal from alcohol consumption improves the health of the liver, yes as this organ, processing significant doses of alcohol, is affected by cirrhosis. In some cases, the liver also suffers from obesity. It is unacceptable to indulge in alcohol due to significant damage to this organ.
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