Experts have calculated the ideal duration of sexual intercourse for women
Danish experts calculated the ideal duration of sexual intercourse for women. As it turned out, it is about 24 minutes and 12 seconds.
The survey involved 300 women who were interviewed about the ideal duration of sexual intercourse. As it turned out, women prefer to have sex for an average of 24 minutes and 12 seconds.
It also turned out that it takes a little more than 15 minutes to reach orgasm, and with the use of intimate toys – 10 minutes. The author of the study, Ditte Skakke, explains this by the fact that for women, achieving a climax of sexual arousal is not the only goal of sexual activity.
It is worth noting that most often women admitted that sexual intercourse lasts only 18.5 minutes. Almost a third of them rarely or never reached orgasm, as sexual problems were reduced to too little foreplay, poor emotional connection or penis size.
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