Experts have determined the optimal frequency of washing clothes

British experts in the field of fashion and hygiene have shared their opinion on how often underwear should be washed.

Speaking of underwear, experts noted that a daily washing regimen is optimal for them due to constant contact with the groin area, where staphylococcal bacteria accumulate.

“The bacteria that live in the body are harmless in themselves, but due to skin damage they can provoke the development of a staphylococcal infection, in which the skin can become covered with boils,” she said in this regard microbiologist from De Montfort University Dr. Katie Layard.

Layard also spoke about the temperature of the water needed to wash underwear. She said that 40 degrees Celsius is enough to wash panties, but it should be remembered that there are microorganisms that can survive a 40-degree wash.

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Author: alex

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