Experts have named 12 signs of kidney disease
Experts listed the symptoms of diseased kidneys and named 12 signs that allow you to identify existing problems. According to doctors, people often do not associate a deterioration in well-being with diseases of these organs.
Doctors remind us that the kidneys are the body's filter. They filter the blood every minute, removing various substances, including harmful ones, with urine. First of all, experts note, you can find out about diseased kidneys by the condition of the urine. If it foams, this indicates a large amount of protein or toxic substances, and cloudy indicates kidney stones. The worst thing is when the liquid is colored pink or red, in which case the presence of blood is not excluded. Frequent urination caused by complications of organs located nearby is not excluded. With sick kidneys, a person may experience lower back pain, headache or dizziness, which are signs of anemia, as well as chronic fatigue due to improper production of the hormone erythropoietin. Unhealthy organs cannot cope with substances that come with food, so nausea may appear during and after eating, and blood pressure often increases and the temperature rises for no reason, accompanied by chills.
Experts state that you can also find out about kidney disease by a person's appearance. Symptoms typically include persistent swelling caused by fluid retention and itchy, dry skin. Doctors recommend that people seek medical attention as soon as possible if they experience any of these symptoms.
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