Experts have named a breakfast product that lowers cholesterol

Enriched yogurt plant sterols or stanols, helps in the fight against cholesterol. Deborah Lee, a doctor, told about it. She emphasized that plant sterols can lower cholesterol levels by 10%.

“I think adding fortified foods to your diet is a great option,” emphasizes Dr. Lee.

What are plant sterols? These are chemicals similar in shape and size to cholesterol found in plants. When they enter the body with food, they compete with real cholesterol for absorption in the intestines. As a result, less cholesterol is absorbed into the blood.

“After absorption, most plant sterols and stanols are excreted back into the intestines. Some are excreted through the liver with bile,” emphasizes Dr. Lee.

Some food companies use these components to enrich dairy products. So if you don't like yogurt, you can choose another option.

To get the recommended daily allowance of three grams of plant sterols, you need to eat 120 grams of fortified yogurt. The doctor warns that you should not exceed the dosage. Further lowering of the cholesterol level can negatively affect the absorption of essential vitamins from the intestines.

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Author: alex

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