Experts have named a simple product that reduces hair loss
Hair loss can be caused by stress, weight loss and iron deficiency. Every day we lose up to 100 hairs, and not only on the head, but also on the whole body. Scientists have found a product, the use of which will help reduce the number of hair loss and increase the growth of new hair.
As Express writes, we are talking about ordinary chicken eggs. Nutritionist Ryan Raman explained that eggs are rich in protein and biotin, a B vitamin involved in the metabolism of fatty acids and the production of keratin.
In addition to restoring hair, eggs help increase “good” cholesterol and reduce “bad” cholesterol. . All this is important to prevent the development of atherosclerosis and helps the blood supply to the scalp. But it is best for hair if eggs are consumed together with avocado. This fruit contains vitamin E, which stimulates hair growth.
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