Experts have named carcinogenic products that can cause cancer in the intestine

There aren't many foods that cause the fatal disease, but there are some that increase the risk of bowel cancer.


“Eating processed and red meat can increase the risk of bowel cancer. There is probably a link between red and processed meat and bowel cancer.” “If something is carcinogenic, it means that it can cause cancer.”

Processed meats include: sausages, bacon, ham, salami and pates — all of which could have been preserved by smoking, curing or pickling.

Red meat includes beef, lamb and pork, which can contribute to the development of colon cancer. 13 percent of colon cancer cases are associated with the consumption of processed and red meat. Other examples include “chicken nuggets” and “canned meat”.

To reduce the risk, it is important to partially replace red meat with chicken or fish. Or use beans and legumes in food instead of meat. One of the “protective” diets against bowel cancer is to eat plenty of fiber-rich foods.

Simple substitutions to increase fiber include:

  • Replace pasta or bread with brown rice.
  • Replace your snack with low-calorie popcorn instead of chips.
  • Choose whole-grain cereal for breakfast.
  • Eat more high-fiber fruits and vegetables.

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Author: alex

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