Experts have named hidden dangers in the home that can harm children
Experts talked about hidden dangers in the house that can harm children or even kill them. Such “threats” are often ignored by parents.
One of the main dangers is the children's bed, on which parents often economize, using furniture left over from a previous child or received from relatives. However, it is important that such an attribute meets modern safety standards, otherwise there is a risk of suffocation of the baby. It is important not to leave the baby alone on the changing table, from where it can roll. To block the passage of the baby through some doors, you can put restraints on the handles, there are also many cases of strangulation of babies with blind cords when they wrapped them around the neck like a necklace.
When a child is playing with toys, it is better to take care of him , so that she does not “eat” a small detail, and at other times various “small things” should be kept far away in a closed box. Grapes, blueberries, raisins and similar products can lead to suffocation, unsecured furniture, for example, a wobbly wardrobe, is also a danger.
Home appliances can also be dangerous, children like to pull cords, so it is important that everything is in order fixed Sockets in the house should be closed with special covers, various chemicals, poisons, cosmetics and medicines should be hidden. It is not allowed to leave the child alone in the bath, it is recommended to use non-slip surfaces for the bathroom.
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