Experts have named ineffective weight loss methods that are harmful to health

Experts have compiled a list of ineffective weight loss methods that do more harm than good to the body. To reach their conclusions, the authors of the work analyzed many popular ways to combat excess weight.

Daily cardio workouts, including running, will not help you lose weight. In the process, your metabolism will slow down, which will not be able to ensure the loss of unwanted calories. A gluten-free diet also turned out to be ineffective, since there is no need to give up bread and it will not ensure slimness. It is reasonable to follow such a diet only for those who have an intolerance to products containing gluten.

With the help of strength training, a person can strengthen their muscles and start the process of building them, against the background of which appetite can only increase. Doctors do not advise eliminating fats from the diet, since not all of them are harmful. Exercises for the press do not get rid of belly fat, but if they are too intense, they can damage the menstrual cycle and negatively affect the hormonal background.

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Author: alex

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