Experts have named several ways to use aspirin other than as medicine
The well-known aspirin helps not only to relieve symptoms of pain and heat – its tablets can be useful in other situations as well.
From dandruff.You can fight annoying dandruff with aspirin. Crush the tablet, add a little shampoo and wash your hair with the mixture. Then rinse thoroughly.
For cut flowers. A bouquet of flowers in the apartment lifts your mood and decorates the interior, but unfortunately, they don't last long in a vase. Dissolve an aspirin tablet in water – this will help the flowers last a few days longer.
Against stains.White clothes turn yellow under the armpits over time – the salicylic acid in aspirin can help get rid of these stains. Crush the tablet and add a little water to make a paste; then apply it to the stain and leave for a few minutes. Rinse the mixture and wash the clothes – it should help. This method can also be effective against annoying deodorant stains.
For acne. Salicylic acid is found in many anti-acne products, and using aspirin, you can create such a cosmetic product. Make a paste of a small amount of water and a crushed tablet, apply to the pimple and leave for a few minutes – then wash. Be gentle, don't rub the product in or press too hard on the skin to avoid further irritation.
Against calloused skin. In addition to being antibacterial and great for fighting acne, aspirin also helps with calluses and rough skin on your feet. Mix five crushed tablets with a little lemon juice and water. Apply the mixture to your feet, leave for about 15 minutes, and then rinse.
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