Experts have named the beneficial properties of wild garlic
Experts have named the extremely beneficial properties of wild garlic. The plant is a strong modulator, preventing the development of heart and vascular diseases. Parasites are removed from the body, intestinal infections are eliminated, and the microflora is normalized.
Doctors consider wild garlic to be a powerful antioxidant due to the presence of vitamin C in it. The plant contains essential oils, which ensures the presence of phytoncide characteristics. A representative of the onion subfamily helps with high blood pressure, while preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques.
Cherkess has strong bactericidal properties, regular use of this plant prevents colds. Microorganisms in the oral cavity die, and the immune system is generally strengthened. This perennial herb is useful for thyroid disease, including atherosclerosis. Cherkess is also used for external treatment, lotions made from it help get rid of suppurations, lichens and warts.
However, there are limitations. Due to the high concentration of essential oils, cherkess is contraindicated for patients with cholecystitis, pancreatitis and hepatitis. The same applies to pregnant women and people suffering from gastritis, stomach ulcers and epilepsy.
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