Experts have named the ideal time to eat fruit

Fruit must be regularly included in your diet. Many believe that if they are useful, then it does not matter at what time they are eaten. According to experts, for maximum benefit you need to eat fruit at certain times.

Experts recommend starting your day with a glass of warm water and fruit. But before you completely make up your breakfast from them, you should make sure that the calorie balance is maintained.

And it is also necessary to avoid a sharp increase in blood sugar. Often a person begins to want to eat between breakfast and lunch. A citrus snack and a cup of green tea will help you feel full for several more hours.

It is better to skip dessert in its classic sense and replace it with fruit. Melon, pineapple and mango contain the necessary sugar, but at the same time allow you to keep yourself in shape.

The time before and after physical activity is also considered correct for eating fruit. For example, a banana before training gives a boost of energy, and an orange or an apple after it is just a low-calorie product that is a healthy snack before dinner.

At the same time, it is not recommended to eat fruit at night. The burst of energy that the body receives prevents a person from falling asleep, disrupting the schedule.

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Author: alex

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