Experts have named the signs of cancer in men

Experts from the UK have presented 10 signs of cancer in men.

According to doctors, men die on average six years earlier than women – often from preventable causes. In particular, we are talking about oncological diseases.

You should not ignore problems with urination, accompanied by painful sensations. This may be prostate cancer. The appearance of lumps on the testicles, heaviness of the testicles and an increase in their thickness, which increases the likelihood of a malignant neoplasm in an intimate place, should also be alerted. It is noted that the disease very often affects young people.

Blood in the urine is one of the warning signs of bladder or kidney cancer. If red spots are seen in the stool, then there is a possibility of intestinal damage.

If acne, spots, thickening of the skin in some places of the genital organ appear on the penis, you should immediately consult a doctor. The signs include an unpleasant odor, ulcers, and discharge that smells unpleasant. Penile cancer is deadly and can end in amputation.

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Author: alex

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