Experts have revealed a pasta recipe that will help you lose weight

Pasta, pasta, noodles are usually associated with dishes , which should be abandoned in order to lose weight. However, experts believe that you can continue to eat them, but not immediately after cooking.

Experts revealed a macaroni recipe that will help you lose weight


As part of the experiment, subjects were allowed to eat the same pasta dishes on different days. Some volunteers could eat only freshly cooked pasta, others – cold, and still others – heated. It turned out that the slightest increase in blood sugar levels caused a heated dish.

Weight loss

When pasta cools, the publication specifies, the structure of starch changes. This is how fiber is formed from this substance, which is not destroyed by the body's own enzymes. It helps to get full faster and not feel hungry for a long time.

To get such a paste, you need to prepare it in advance – it must have time to cool down. Before serving, it can be heated and already then enjoy pasta that will not harm the figure. Moreover, this method also works with potatoes and rice.

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Author: alex

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